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KMID : 0359020090390040236
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2009 Volume.39 No. 4 p.236 ~ p.239
A Case of Cystic Brunner¡¯s Gland Hyperplasia with Intracystic Inverted Growth
Hong Seok-In

Kim Jin-Il
Lee Ho-Sang
Kim Gun-Min
Park Jin-Min
Cheung Dae-Young
Park Soo-Heon
Kim Jae-Kwang
Cystic Brunner¡¯s gland hyperplasia is a benign lesion of the duodenum that may not be familiar to gastroenterologists because of its rarity. Moreover, cystic Brunner¡¯s gland hyperplasia with intacystic inverted growth is more uncommon lesion. Here, we report a case of cystic Brunner¡¯s gland hyperplasia in a 34-year-old man. An endoscopy of the upper digestive tract revealed the presence of a 1.2 cm sized polypoid mass of the duodenal second portion. Endoscopic submucosal dissection was performed to remove the mass. Microscopically, a cystic lesion was seen in the submucosa underneath the normal surface duodenal mucosa. Hyperplastic Brunner¡¯s glands were seen close by the cyst. The cyst was lined by a layer of columnar epithelium similar to that of Brunner¡¯s gland ducts with no cytologic atypia. Also, a part of the cyst lining was inverted into the cyst lumen with fibrovascular core. Therefore, The final diagnosis was a cystic Brunner¡¯s gland hyperplasia with intracystic inverted growth.
Brunner¡¯s gland hyperplasia, Cystic, Inverted
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